We have reached our maximum limit of golfers for the tournament.
While we cannot admit any more golfers, you can still purchase tickets
to the banquet dinner to help our Bay Area partner charity. 
You can sign up by clicking the button located at the bottom of this page.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
To Pay Securely Online:
Once you choose your level of sponsorship below, simply click on the "Add to Cart' buttons on the right to pay securely through PayPal.
If Paying Online, Please Also Register Online:
You can access the registration page by clicking the link on the right, or on any of the Sponsorship Golfer Registration Page links located near every 'Add To Cart' button below.
To Pay By Check:
Download the form on the right.  Fill out the form and mail it, along with your check (payable to "Dutra Museum Foundation")  to:
Dutra Museum Foundation, c/o Patty Dutra Bruce, 2350 Kerner Blvd, Suite 200, San Rafael, CA 94901

SponsorReg24AllB.pdf SponsorReg24AllB.pdf
Size : 579.331 Kb
Type : pdf
Some Sponsorship levels include a specified number of golfers and some do not. Please check your Sponsorship description. If you would like to add any additional golfers who are not included in your sponsorship, you may do so on the Sponsorship Registration page. Cost for each golfer is $250. Registration must be done no later than August 2, 2024.
All reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. We strongly suggest you pay for additional golfers early, as we are limited to 128 golfers for the entire event.

**Absolutely no refunds after August 2, 2024**
This sponsorship is no longer available
Platinum Sponsorship  $2500

Includes 4 golfers, 4 breakfast wraps, 4 dinners, a booth at a hole (available upon request),
tee signage at hole, logo at dinner, verbal recognition at the event.

Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Gold Sponsorship  $1500

Includes 2 golfers, 2 breakfast wraps, 2 dinners, tee signage at hole,
verbal recognition at the event.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Silver Sponsorship  $1000

Includes 2 dinners, tee signage at hole,
verbal recognition at the event.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
NEW! >>   Breakfast Wrap & Bloody Mary Bar Sponsor  $2000

Company logo displayed on posterboard at the Breakfast Wrap & Bloody Mary Bar during registration,
verbal recognition at the event.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Dinner Sponsor $5000

Includes 4 golfers, 4 breakfast wraps, 4 dinners, verbal recognition at the event.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
First Drink Sponsor $1800

Company logo displayed at beverage station in dining room,
verbal recognition at the event.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Golf Ball Sponsor $1500

Your company logo on golf balls.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Closest to the Line Sponsor $550

Your company logo displayed on hole.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship 
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Longest Drive - Women Sponsor $550

Your company logo displayed on hole.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Longest Drive - Men Sponsor $550

Your company logo displayed on hole.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.

This sponsorship is no longer available
Closest to the Pin Sponsor $550

Your company logo displayed on hole.
Once you've added this item to your cart, click "Continue Shopping>>" 
in the upper right of the Paypal page to bring you back here. Then click the Sponsorship
Registration button to the right to complete your registration.


Donations of Raffle Prizes & Monetary Sponsorships are welcomed!

Please contact Patty Dutra Bruce at: pdutra@dutragroup.com

For more information, contact Patty Dutra Bruce at pdutra@dutragroup.com • 415-258-4796