We have reached our maximum limit of golfers for the tournament.
While we cannot admit any more golfers, you can still purchase tickets to the banquet dinner to help our Bay Area partner charity.
You can sign up by clicking the button located at the bottom of this page.
If you have signed up for one of our Sponsorships, this is where you register all of the golfers in your party. This registration is for Sponsorship golfers only. We will announce Regular Golfer Registration in June.
Please Note:
Some Sponsorship levels include a specified number of golfers and some do not. Please check your Sponsorship description. If you would like to add any additional golfers who are not included in your sponsorship, you may do so below. Cost for each is $250. Registration must be done no later than August 2, 2024. We strongly suggest you pay for additional golfers early, as we are limited to 128 golfers for the entire event.